期刊名称:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
出版社:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
摘要:The most recently discovered coronavirus (COVID-19), generates a contagious illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new war for a safe and fearless living in human history.Although millions of people are recovered from COVID-19 most of the recovered patients had no idea that after recovery they also needed good lifestyle modification. On the other side, many are not following the proper diet plan, sleep pattern, physical and mental exercise, etc. We all know how dangerous and infectious coronavirus is and its infection breaks our immunity system, so for fighting coronavirus infection and reducing complications for all COVID-19 survivors, good life modification knowledge plays a very important role. Out of 60 COVID-19 survivors, revealed that 24(40%) had poor, 27(45%)had an average, and 9(15%) had good knowledge about lifestyle modification.but after implementing the planned teaching program the post-test results were 0(0%) had poor, 16(26.66%) had an average, and 44(73.33%) had good knowledge about lifestyle modification.The entire pre-test mean of COVID-19 survivors was11.15while the post-test mean was 18.28.The study used a quantitative design with a one-group pre-test and post-test adopting pre-experimental and purposive sampling techniques.The effectiveness of a planned teaching programknowledge questionnaire was tested usingby self-structured questionnaire.According to the conclusions of the study, COVID-19 survivors lack adequate knowledge.The findings showedthat theplanned teaching program was very effective in increasing the knowledge level of COVID-19survivors. This study helps COVID-19 survivors to adopt good lifestyle changes and increases their level of knowledge regarding the benefits of choosing good lifestyle changes after recovering from this deadly coronavirus.
关键词:COVID-19;COVID-19survivors;lifestyle modification;knowledge;Planned teaching program