期刊名称:Giornale italiano di educazione alla salute, sport e didattica inclusiva
出版社:Edizioni Universitarie Romane
摘要:During the Covid 19 pandemic, distance education also called distance learning or DAD (in Italy) has become part of school and university daily life. From March 2020 until today, teachers have experimented with new ways of teaching, mixing traditional teaching strategies with new paradigms, often innovative or in some cases "never tried" by teachers. In this time of didactic experimentation imposed by the pandemic, the studies of neurodidactic (Rivoltella, 2012) broaden the knowledge on learning processes, focusing attention on the learner and on the implications for teaching. Especially the studies on Spaced Learning (SL), a didactic methodology that is functional to quickly store information in long-term memory through repetition, have proved useful for improving the structuring of the synchronous and asynchronous hours of lessons during DAD. Based on the neuroscientific study by Douglas Fields concerning the mnemonic potential of the brain, published in 2005, Paul Kelley (2008) proposed and tested Spaced Learning (in Italian Interval Learning) which experimented in the Liceo Musicale of Caserta, in the school year 2020/2021.