期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
In crystalline solids, atoms are arranged in periodic patterns on regular lattices. Amorphous solids, instead, lack long-range order; namely, a regular array of atoms beyond first or second nearest neighbors is absent. The lack of periodicity influences many properties of amorphous materials, including the coupling of electronic and nuclear motion. Here we study amorphous carbon, a system composed of a relatively light atom. We show that to understand its electronic properties, a quantum mechanical treatment of electron–nuclear coupling is essential, and we illustrate a simulation framework based on first principles to do so. We also discuss the role of specific defect states in the disordered network in determining the physical properties of amorphous carbon.
We carry out quantum simulations to study the physical properties of diamond-like amorphous carbon by coupling first-principles molecular dynamics with a quantum thermostat, and we analyze multiple samples representative of different defective sites present in the disordered network. We show that quantum vibronic coupling is critical in determining the electronic properties of the system, in particular its electronic and mobility gaps, while it has a moderate influence on the structural properties. We find that despite localized electronic states near the Fermi level, the quantum nature of the nuclear motion leads to a renormalization of the electronic gap surprisingly similar to that found in crystalline diamond. We also discuss the notable influence of nuclear quantum effects on band-like and variable-hopping mechanisms contributing to electrical conduction. Our calculations indicate that methods often used to evaluate electron–phonon coupling in ordered solids are inaccurate to study the electronic and transport properties of amorphous semiconductors composed of light atoms.