出版社:Information and Media Technologies Editorial Board
摘要:In this paper, we present a projector-camera system for virtually altering the surface reflectance of a real object by projecting images onto it using projectors. The surface of the object is assumed to have an arbitrary shape and have a diffuse reflectance whose quantitative information is unknown. The system consists of multiple projectors and a camera. The proposed method first estimates the object surface along with the internal and external parameters of the projectors and the camera, based on the projection of structured patterns. It then improves the accuracy of surface normals by using the method of photometric stereo, where the same projectors are used as point sources of illumination. Owing to the combination of triangulation based on structured light projection and the method of photometric stereo, the surface normals of the object along with its surface shape can be accurately measured, which enables high-quality synthesis of virtual appearance. Our experimental system succeeded in giving a number of viewers a visual experience in which several plaster objects appeared as if their surfaces were made of different materials such as metals.