摘要:This article introduces a play-based activity that aims to assist pupils to primarily appreciate the concept of speed. An integrative STEM education approach was adopted in determining the objectives of the study. The activity particularly aimed to improve skills in using tools and materials strategically, collecting data, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, and describing the logical connection between distance and time. An authentic learning environment was created. Two pupils with the assistance of their parents built, colored, and participated in a jumping frog contest. During the contest, they measured distances and time intervals, created a data table, and discussed and calculated the speeds of various frogs. In every action, the pupils were asked to focus on particular aspects of the activity setting. They initially focused on how to fold a paper frog, which was the first contextualizing action where they have seen the connection between scratch paper, folding, and a jumping frog. Next, they were asked to focus on race where they realized the connection between measuring distance, taking time, and creating a data table. In the last contextualizing action, in the process of determining the champion, they recognized the relationship between distance, time, and speed.