摘要:Nowadays, technological development is rapid development. Now technology change can make activities can be easier to carry out, one of them in marketing. Currently, various marketing activities, both small and large sectors, use technology in their development. With the rapid development of technology, marketing is not a difficult thing anymore. One of the uses of technology can be felt in the SMEs sector. The marketing strategy with a strategic content marketing pattern will further increase the growth rate of buying interest in products offered by SMEs. Content Marketing is a strategy where marketers plan, create and distribute content that can attract targeted audiences, then drive them to become customers. Although a content marketing strategy is essential, not all SMEs use digital marketing in running their business. This is because SMEs are often categorized as highlighters in terms of technology. Being left behind in terms of managing content marketing strategy is due to less reliable resources in mastering technology, but SMEs are still required to master information technology to expand a wider market reach. This is because consumers today are consumers who actively use technology in the form of gadgets.