摘要:This research aims to analyze the disclosure of intellectual capital of companies in Indonesia. The factors referred to include Independent Commissioners, Ownership Concentration, leverage and profitability. Agency theory is used as the basis for developing a conceptual framework to connect the variables being tested. The contribution of this research is to test the subjective factors, namely the variable of the existence of independent commissioners, the concentration of ownership combined with the objective variables which are derived from the company's financial data, namely leverage and profitability. The samples are 72 companies that consistently express clusters of intellectual capital-based companies in 2016 to 2019 are sourced from websites. www.idx.co.id. the data analysis technique for hypothesis testing is multiple linear regression, using the SPSS version 20 application. The results. of this study prove that all tested variables, namely independent commissioners, ownership concentration, profitability and leverage have influence to intellectual capital Disclosure. Thus, it strengthens the importance of information to the capital market about the determinants of disclosure of Intellectual Capital, both objectively and subjectively. This study is still several studies and the limitations of this study are the cluster sample so that the generalizability is low, the recommendation for further research is to use a more precise sample and a longer observation period.