摘要:Women are often faced with considerations including the choice of mobility with or without commuting, which is inseparable from the role of social in the neighborhood. This study aims to analyze the probability of women workers commuting in Indonesia through social capital and accessibility from the neighborhood to the labor market. The logit model and marginal effect were applied in this research, using the 2018 microdata obtained from Indonesia National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) and Indonesian Village Potential (Podes). These data are combined based on residence similarity at the district level of each individual. The results showed that trust and solidarity increase, the probability of women workers commuting declines by 3.9%. The group and networks level increases through women groups in the residential neighborhood area cause commuting probability to decline of 14.3% on women workers. The variable of facilities will increase with a rise in women workers' commuting probability by 2.5%. These results were controlled by sectoral variables, work, income, education, age, and marital status of women workers in Indonesia. The findings in this study explain the social aspect in the social capital approach originating from the residential neighborhood causes a decreased probability of that decision. The indicates that the social ties of traditional society are still attached to women workers in Indonesia. However, the accessibility in this article is that public transportation gives a positive probability to the decision to commute to women workers in Indonesia.