摘要:This research article is based on Kamala Das’ My Story, a fictional autobiography which observes the unexpected honesty in post- independent time. Kamala Das shared her personal experiences about her unsuccessful quest for love in and outside marriage. She justified this quest by highlighting multiple oppression for women in patriarchal society. She stood against the established image of male by using her memoir. She, boldly, shared the performed activities which are considered as undoable and unspeakable in society. Her memoir is a revolt against the established norms and display her accounts of extramarital affairs, sexual lobs, and desire for spiritual comfort which are against the social/religious norms. Through language, Kamala Das disclosed the status of her relationship with husband and other family members. Her domestic/ personal life is shared through pornographic language by highlighting her status in society. She highlighted the helplessness and passivity of women in the male dominated society. She considered the subjective position of male while allotted the objective position to women. The autobiography highlighted the image of husband as good for nothing. She stained the image of husband as unfeeling husband as for as wife is concerned. The husband is well versed in sex, even having extramarital association with maidservants of his family. The same nature has been adopted by Kamala Das and honestly represented through literary pieces. The sense of loss, depravity, alienation and superficiality get submerged her inner feeling in the male dominated society. Das borrows this style of writing from her contemporary American writers and employs it as a means of articulation, negotiation and resistance through projecting the self. Kamala Das shows unexpected honesty to release herself from agony, anxiety and tension. The current research will provide room for the future scholars to identify the same elements in other literary pieces of the same or any other writer.