摘要:Teachers are the controlling agents of the teaching learning process in most of the educational institutions at almost all levels so decision making is inevitable. The present study investigates the participation of secondary school teachers in decision making based on gender differences through conducting survey method. All the teachers working at the public schools of Lahore were taken as the population of the study. 500 secondary school teachers were selected randomly to collect data. Four hundred and eleven (411) questionnaires were got back. Teacher Involvement and Participation questionnaire (TIPS-2) of John J. Russell (1992) was adopted to collect data. Data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20. Independent sample t-test was applied to test the hypotheses. Means and factor scores were calculated yielding both individual and group level data for analysis. It was revealed that secondary school teachers frequently participate in decision making. Female teachers’ participation is higher in first two dimensions of decision making while in remaining 6 dimensions’ male bypassed the female. It was further revealed that decisions related to curriculum /instruction involved most teacher participation while staffing involved least teacher participation.
关键词:Decision making;Gender analysis;Secondary school teachers