摘要:Following the Ministry of Communication and Information mandate to establish a structure in Communication and Information to the Regency/City level to facilitate the dissemination of information, especially to the public. Technology development has encouraged Diskominfo SP of Surakarta City to enter Industry 4.0. As a result of the many work needs, it causes an excessive workload on Human Resources in Communication and Encryption. This study aims to uncover the causes of excessive workload and overcome them. The research was carried out by reviewing the profile book of Diskominfo Surakarta and conducting interviews with the head of the Communication and Encryption Division. The results obtained are that the workload is excessive due to the lack of available human resources and the lack of maximizing the automated system/bot, especially in screening issues against the City of Surakarta and the website/complaint application that allows for lightening the work while waiting for the addition of human resources from the results of CPNS and TKPK.
关键词:Public Relations Management;Government Public Relations;Human Resources Workload