摘要:The study was executed to develop and validate a Likert-type anxiety scale that measures students’ anxiety in mathematics at the middle level. This mathematics anxiety scale is named as Afshan Mathematics Anxiety Scale (AfMAS). 24 items scale was piloted on 280 female grade VII students of public sector schools. The factors of the Afshan Mathematics Anxiety Scale were identified by exploratory factor analysis. Four factors were identified after factor loading analysis. These four factors were mathematics lesson anxiety (4 items); mathematics performance anxiety (7 items), mathematics assessment strategies anxiety (5 items); mathematics test anxiety (8 items). The overall Cronbach's alpha value was 0.89, with alpha values ranging from 0.81 to 0.89 for each subscale. Composite reliability for all subscales was assessed. Content, convergent, and discriminant validity were also assessed. The Afshan Mathematics Anxiety Scale was found to be both valid and reliable. With the help of AfMAS mathematics anxiety in middle-level students can be assessed.
关键词:middle level;mathematics anxiety;scale development;validation of a scale