摘要:The present study is descriptive which focuses on Training impact on Principals' Management skills in the selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This study followed a Quantitative Research Design. The present study population comprises all the Government Secondary school Principals/heads of 24 district of KP. The study was further delimited to the trained principals/heads of Government Secondary Schools of the above districts of KP. The study included 1616 Principals/heads as a sample from the population of 4509 Secondary Schools. The sample covered Middle, High, and Higher Secondary for males and females. Based on the convenient sampling technique, the study has been limited to 389 schools from Urban and 1227 from Rural areas of the selected KP districts. The study has taken the questionnaire from the previous reviews for the data collection. The questionnaire was closed-ended and included multiple items on the specific factors and then distributed among the sample respondents. The study has collected data from the sample principals and teachers from the secondary schools of KP. The questionnaire was administered to the various schools in the 24 settled KP districts in the current study. The study's findings argued that the reliability statistics had been used to validate the variables, and the outcome shows that the selected factors have been found reliable. The regression model results argued the training need, training evaluation, training content, training feedback, and training implementation have positive and significant effects on the principal management skills.