摘要:Objective:In the healthcare environment, violence against physicians and other healthcare professionals are increasing. Working in a health institution is more risky in terms of exposing violence compared to other workplaces. The aim of this study is to assess the factors leading violence and to present a holistic view to the concept of violence in healthcare institutions by examining the cases who applied to the forensic medicine otupatient clinic due to being exposed to violence in a health institution as an employee or patient/patient’s relatives.Methods:Patients who had been applied to Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Forensic Medicine Policlinic with the claim that they had been exposed to vioelence in a health care institution between the dates of 01.06.2015-30.11.2016 are investigated retrospectively. In this cross-sectional and descriptional study, descriptional statics, forensic trauma scoring and data about the history of violence are presented.Results:Twenty-three cases’ age range were 25-63, the mean age was 38,56. 10 of 23 cases’ gender was female. 5 cases were doctor, 2 were hospital registrar, 2 were reporter, 2 were hospital security guard, 1 were hospital cleaning staff, 5 were patient and 6 were relatives of patients. Two forensic trauma scoring evaluation of 19 cases had been evaluated as their injuries can’t be treated with simple medical intervention, life threating medical condition weren’t identified.Conclusion:It is thought that work load density and the increase of violence in health care institutions adversely affects the relation between health care workers and patients, but no further comment could be made due to the limitations of the study. Studies with wider case series and in-depth interviews can provide more information for interventions which aims to reduce the violence in health care institutions.