期刊名称:International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology
出版社:International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology
摘要:The pandemic COVID-19 has created stress and anxiety among people over the globe. Every person is afraid of getting infected by the disease and following all precautionary measures suggested by health centers and associations. The present study aims to assess the level of anxiety and stress aroused from the disease among academicians of the Haryana state. The present study has been conducted to examine the anxieties and fear of academicians towards COVID-19 and develop a model for reducing anxieties and fear among academicians. For this, a Google questionnaire was framed and circulated among all teachers via different social media apps. A short link to the questionnaire was copied from Google drive and shared among100 different teachers for filling out the responses against Haryana's questions. It was divided into two parts: Part 1 contained questions about the respondents' demographic profiles. Part 2 covers statements relating to expectations regarding COVID-19 (Factor1), preventive measures (Factor 2), and anxieties for COVID-19 (Factor 3). Factor analysis and Discriminant analysis were used for attaining the objectives. All the factors were contributing to variation in percentage were 31.393, 16.699, and 12.501%, respectively. As per factor analysis, factor1 to factor 3 were of utmost importance for the effectiveness of webinars, and the Cronbach alpha values were .772, .593, and .558 respectively. As a result, it can be concluded that for reducing anxieties and fear among academicians, expectations regarding COVID-19 would contribute maximum followed by preventive measures. Hence it can be concluded that academicians were full of hope from the government and the medical experts for the solution to end this pandemic disease very soon.
关键词:Pandemic coVID-19;stress and anxiety;academicians;google questionnaire;and preventive measures