摘要:Intracranial human recordings are a valuable and rare resource of information about the brain . Making such data publicly available not only helps tackle reproducibility issues in science, it helps make more use of these valuable data . This is especially true for data collected using naturalistic tasks . Here, we describe a dataset collected from a large group of human subjects while they watched a short audiovisual flm . The dataset has several unique features . First, it includes a large amount of intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) data (51 participants, age range of 5– 55 years, who all performed the same task) . Second, it includes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) recordings (30 participants, age range of 7–47) during the same task . Eighteen participants performed both iEEG and fMRI versions of the task, non-simultaneously. Third, the data were acquired using a rich audiovisual stimulus, for which we provide detailed speech and video annotations . This dataset can be used to study neural mechanisms of multimodal perception and language comprehension, and similarity of neural signals across brain recording modalities .