摘要:We describe the multimodal neuroimaging dataset VEPCON (OpenNeuro Dataset ds003505) . It includes raw data and derivatives of high-density EEG, structural MRI, difusion weighted images (DWI) and single-trial behavior (accuracy, reaction time) . Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded while participants (n = 20) discriminated briefy presented faces from scrambled faces, or coherently moving stimuli from incoherent ones . EEG and MRI were recorded separately from the same participants . The dataset contains raw EEG and behavioral data, pre-processed EEG of single trials in each condition, structural MRIs, individual brain parcellations at 5 spatial resolutions (83 to 1015 regions), and the corresponding structural connectomes computed from fber count, fber density, average fractional anisotropy and mean difusivity maps . For source imaging, VEPCON provides EEG inverse solutions based on individual anatomy, with Python and Matlab scripts to derive activity time-series in each brain region, for each parcellation level . The BIDS-compatible dataset can contribute to multimodal methods development, studying structure-function relations, and to unimodal optimization of source imaging and graph analyses, among many other possibilities .