摘要:Sandy coasts form the interface between land and sea and their morphologies are highly dynamic . A combination of human and natural forcing results in morphologic changes afecting both nature values and coastal safety. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is a technique enabling near-continuous monitoring of the changing morphology of a sandy beach-dune system with centimetre-order accuracy. In Kijkduin, The Netherlands, a laser scanner sampled one kilometre of coast at hourly intervals for about six months . This resulted in over 4,000 consecutive topographic scans of around one million points each, at decimetre-order point spacing . Analysis of the resulting dataset will ofer new insights into the morphological behaviour of the beach-dune system at hourly to monthly time scales, ultimately increasing our fundamental scientifc understanding of these complex geographic systems . It further provides the basis for developing novel algorithms to extract morphodynamic and geodetic information from this unique 4D spatiotemporal dataset . Finally, experiences from this TLS setup support the development of improved near-continuous 3D observation of both natural and anthropogenic scenes in general .