摘要:During brain development, neural stem cells (NSCs) undergo multiple fate-switches to generate various neuronal subtypes and glial cells, exhibiting distinct transcriptomic profles at diferent stages . However, full-length transcriptomic datasets of NSCs across diferent neurodevelopmental stages under similar experimental settings are lacking, which is essential for uncovering stage-specifc transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms underlying the fate commitment of NSCs . Here, we report the full-length transcriptome of mouse NSCs at fve diferent stages during embryonic and postnatal development . We used fuorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) to isolate CD133+ Blbp+ NSCs from C57BL/6 transgenic mice that express enhanced green fuorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of a Blbp promoter. By integrating short- and long-read full-length RNA-seq, we created a transcriptomic dataset of gene and isoform expression profles in NSCs at embryonic days 15 .5, 17 .5, and postnatal days 1 .5, 8, and 60. This dataset provides a detailed characterization of full- length transcripts in NSCs at distinct developmental stages, which could be used as a resource for the neuroscience community to study NSC fate determination, neural development, and disease .