摘要:There is growing evidence that climate change impacts ecosystems and socio-economic activities in freshwater environments . Consistent global data of projected streamfow and water temperature are key to global impact assessments, but such a dataset is currently lacking . Here we present FutureStreams, the frst global dataset of projected future streamfow and water temperature formultiple climate scenarios (up to 2099) gridded at a 5 arcminute spatial resolution (~10 km at the equator), including recent past data (1976–2005) for comparison . We generated the data using global hydrological and water temperature models (PCR-GLOBWB, DynWat) forced with climate data from fve general circulation models . We included four representative concentration pathways to covermultiple future greenhouse gas emission trajectories and associated changes in climate . Our dataset includes weekly streamfow and water temperature for each year as well as a set of derived indicators that are particularly relevant from an ecological perspective . FutureStreams provides a crucial starting point for large-scale assessments of the implications of changes in streamfow and water temperature for society and freshwater ecosystems .