摘要:Background: Life-threatening bleeding is a major cause of trauma-related deaths. Stop the Bleed—Active bleeding control (ABC) program in Hyderabad recently showed that lay first responders can be effectively trained. However, the willingness of high school students to train in bleeding control is unknown. We report Stop the Bleed training needs assessment from high schools in India and estimate the potential multiplier effect. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 12 randomly selected schools in Hyderabad. The study was to understand current knowledge, skills and willingness to get trained and respond to life-threatening bleeding from injuries. 107 Participants (35 Teachers and 72 students) were purposively selected for telephonic interviews with a structured questionnaire. Results: Response rate was 93% overall. 80% of participants have never been trained in bleeding control. 84% reported willingness to be trained, train others and help bleeding victims. All the teachers reported that stop the bleed training would be useful in high schools. 70.6% of teachers recommended that training could start from middle school (10 to 15 years), 47% preferred the online training mode. Only 20% of participants had prior training in lifesaving first aid and 32% did not know the number of emergency medical services (EMS). Each trained participant has the potential to train 3 to 4 people at the household level and perhaps more at the community level. Conclusion: The surveyed schools in Hyderabad do not have the knowledge, skills, or training curriculum in Stop the Bleed. Students and teachers are willing to be trained and train others, with great potential for a “multiplier-effect” in the community.