标题:Non-essential heavy metals and protective effects of selenium against mercury toxicity in endangered Australian sea lion ( Neophoca cinerea) pups with hookworm disease
摘要:The endangered Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, faces ongoing population decline. Identification of key threats to N. cinerea population recovery, including disease and pollutants, is an objective of the species’ recovery plan. Previous studies have identified Uncinaria sanguinis, an intestinal nematode, as a significant cause of disease and mortality in N. cinerea pups. Given the impact of heavy metals on the immune response, investigation of these pollutants is critical. To this end, the concentrations of arsenic (As), total mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb) and selenium (Se) were determined in blood collected from N. cinerea pups sampled during the 2017/18, 2019 and 2020/21 breeding seasons at Seal Bay Conservation Park, South Australia. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in Hg, As, Cr, and Se concentrations and molar ratio of Se:Hg were seen between breeding seasons. Pup age, maternal parity and inter-individual foraging behaviour were considered factors driving these differences. The concentrations of Hg (357, 198 and 241 µg/L) and As (225, 834 and 608 µg/L) were high in 2017/18, 2019 and 2020/21 respectively with Hg concentrations in the blood of N. cinerea pups above toxicological thresholds reported for marine mammals. The concentration of Se (1332, 647, 763 µg/ L) and molar ratio of Se:Hg (9.47, 7.98 and 6.82) were low compared to other pinniped pups, indicating potential vulnerability of pups to the toxic effects of Hg. Significant (p < 0.05) negative associations for Pb and Cd with several red blood cell parameters suggest they could be exacerbating the anaemia caused by hookworm disease. Temporal (age-related) changes in element concentrations were also seen, such that pup age needs to be considered when interpreting bioaccumulation patterns. Further investigation of the role of elevated heavy metal concentrations on N. cinerea pup health, disease and development is recommended, particularly with respect to immunological impacts.