摘要:The results of numerous medical studies and kinesiology research show the existence of differences in the pulmonary function with reference to age, body height and size and the relation of certain parameters of body composition. The aim of this research is to determine eventual differences in the health and pulmonary function with soldiers of different age. The sample of examinees consisted of 240 members of Montenegro Armed Forces, having between 18 to 57 years of age, divided into 8 subsamples of 30 examinees each (following the age category). The sample of measures were made of the following indicators of pulmonary function: 1) Forced Vital Capacity, 2) Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second, 3) the proportion of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second and the Forced Vital Capacity and 4) Peak Expiratory Flow. The central and dispersion parameters of variables were calculated for all variables. For examining the potential differences between the subsamples of examinees, and for determining the actual source of variability between the groups, multivariate and univariate analysis of the variance were applied, as well as the post hoc test with Tukey\'s model. Statistically significant differences were determined in pulmonary function compared to the age of soldiers. The pulmonary function of soldiers from 18 until 21 years of age differ from the soldiers of the next three age categories. Also, were determined that the next three variables mostly contribute to that difference: Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second and the Peak Expiratory Flow. In the Forced Vital Capacity were determined relatively constant values were detected from 32 until 52 years of age of the soldiers. The obtained results confirm the effect of numerous specific factors in the system of functioning of the military organization.