摘要:GWP* was recently proposed1 as a simple metric for calculating warming-equivalent emissions by equating a change in the rate of emission of a short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) to a pulse emission of carbon dioxide. Other metrics aiming to account for the time-dependent impact of SLCP emissions, such as CGWP, have also been proposed2 . In 2019 an improvement to GWP* was proposed by Cain et al.3 , hereafter CLA, combining both the rate and change in rate of SLCP emission, justified by the rate of forcing decline required to stabilise temperatures following a recent multi-decade emissions increase. Here we provide a more direct justification of the coefficients used in this definition of GWP*, with a small revision to their absolute values, by equating CO2 and SLCP forcing directly, without reference to the temperature response. This provides a more direct link to the impulse-response model used to calculate GWP values and improves consistency with CGWP values.