期刊名称:Journal of FisheriesSciences.com / Su ÜrünleriBilimeri.com
出版社:Istanbul University
摘要:Submarine Ecosystems are classified into two types as brackish ecosystems andmarine ecosystems. The territories of the open swell and conterminous littoralzones are classified under marine ecosystems. In addition to these, marineecosystems also include the swab morasses and washes located along the propsand swash mouths. Within the littoral zone, several unique territories like arms,tidal coves, and foreshore ecosystems are also included [1]. Aimilarzonesincludingarms contain the niche of both brackish and swab water. The subject of Physicalterrain includes the study of all these ecosystems. The following aspects are to bestudied under marine ecosystems Characteristics of Marine Ecosystems, abysses,Arms, on- reinforcement ecosystems, Coral reefs. Life on earth is supported by thegirding ecological conditions and the natural coffers.mainlands and abysses are thetwo major divisions, comprising of all the life and also the ecosystems throughoutthe world [2]. About 75 of the earth’ face is covered with oceanic waters whichhas a veritably rich wealth of marine life. The ocean is a major source of food,energy, and mineral coffers. Abysses also control the globalclimate. However, alsowe've to say that beast biomass dominates the oceanic waters, if we say that landis dominated by factory biomass. Water- grounded living surroundings are calledas submarine ecosystems. Submarine Ecosystems are classified into two types asbrackish ecosystems and marine ecosystems. The territories of the open swell andconterminous littoral zones are classified under marine ecosystems. In additionto these, marine ecosystems also include the swab morasses and washes locatedalong the props and swash mouths. Within the littoral zone, several uniqueterritories like arms, tidal coves, and foreshore ecosystems are also included.Similar zones including arms contain the niche of both brackish and swab water[3]. The subject of Physical terrain includes the study of all these ecosystems.