摘要:Heat transfer to particles is a key aspect of thermo-chemical conversion of pulverizedfuels. These fuels tend to agglomerate in some areas of turbulent flow and to form particle clusters.Heat transfer and drag of such clusters are significantly different from single-particle approximationscommonly used in Euler–Lagrange models. This fact prompted a direct numerical investigation ofthe heat transfer and drag behavior of synthetic particle clusters consisting of 44 spheres of uniformdiameter (60 um). Particle-resolved computational fluid dynamic simulations were carried out toinvestigate the heat fluxes, the forces acting upon the particle cluster, and the heat-up times of particleclusters with multiple void fractions (0.477–0.999) and varying relative velocities (0.5–25 m/s). Theintegral heat fluxes and exact particle positions for each particle in the cluster, integral heat fluxes,and the total acting force, derived from steady-state simulations, are reported for 85 different cases.The heat-up times of individual particles and the particle clusters are provided for six cases (threecluster void fractions and two relative velocities each). Furthermore, the heat-up times of singleparticles with different commonly used representative particle diameters are presented. Dependingon the case, the particle Reynolds number, the cluster void fraction, the Nusselt number, and thecluster drag coefficient are included in the secondary data.Dataset: 10.17632/97y842jr5m.1.Dataset License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).