摘要:Wave compensation technology is crucial to the safety of the ship operation and the accurate placement of load. Its compensation efficiency and the gentle change of the rope tension are particularly important. In this paper, we adopt permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) as the actuator to construct the basic wave compensation system. Firstly, the motion model of ship and load under wave action is established, and the fractional-order PID (FOPID) controller for the position loop of the PMSM is introduced. Then, the parameters of FOPID are optimized by genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GAPSO) algorithm, which is based on genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms for better compensation performance. The wave synchronization strategy is used to simulate the load, when it needs to be taken into the water. The non-linear dynamic equations of the rope are solved by Lagrange mechanics and the heave displacement is obtained by time series prediction algorithm. Finally, the effect of wave compensation and wave synchronization strategy are verified on MATLAB/Simulink. The results show that after the compensation, the crane load can follow the set height value very well, the compensation efficiency can reach more than 94%, and the wave synchronization strategy significantly reduces the change of the rope tension.