摘要:The French national ecosystem assessment (NEA), called EFESE for « Evaluation nationale desécosystèmes et des services écosystémiques » was launched in 2012 by the Ministry ofEnvironment to comply both with European and national requirements. This paper reportson the design and implementation of the French NEA for high mountain systems, which (i)describes mountain ecological systems, (ii) characterizes the multiple ecosystem services theysupply, and (iii) discusses the challenges and options related to sustainable governance ofFrench mountain systems. Results highlighted the disproportional positive contribution ofmountains to people’s well-being, as well as their vulnerability to several drivers of changesuch as climate change or modification of agricultural practices. Based on the completereport, non-prescriptive key messages were provided as a summary for decision makers.This assessment was run as a participatory process, led by a core scientific working groupand involving experts from academic, institutional and NGO structures. In this paper, wedescribe and discuss the design and implementation of the French mountain NEA andcompare it to other international experiences. We believe our experience can support futureNEA processes, in France and in other (inter)national settings.