摘要:People depend on functioning ecosystems, which provide benefits that support human existenceand wellbeing. The relationship between people and nature has been experienced and conceptualized in multiple ways. Recently, ecosystem services (ES) concepts have permeated science,government policies, multi-national environmental agreements, and science–policy interfaces. In2017, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)introduced a new and closely related concept – Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP). Theintroduction of NCP has sparked some lively discussion and confusion about the distinguishingcharacteristics between ES and NCP. In order to clarify their conceptual relation, we identify elevenspecific claims about novel elements from the latest NCP literature and analyze how far ES researchhas already contributed to these corresponding conceptual claims in the existing ES literature. Wefind a mixed-picture, where on six specific conceptual claims (culture, social sciences and humanities, indigenous and local knowledge, negative contributions of nature, generalizing perspective,non-instrumental values and valuation) NCP does not differ greatly from past ES research, but wealso find five conceptual claims (diverse worldviews, context-specific perspective, relational values,fuzzy and fluid reporting categories and groups, inclusive language and framing) where NCPprovides novel conceptualizations of people and nature relations.
关键词:Ecosystem services;nature’scontributions to people;science–policy interface;IPBES;NCP;people andnature;nature’s benefits topeople