摘要:We evaluated the associations between marine recreational fishing, stress, seafood consumption, and sleep quality in a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of a conveniencesample of 244 fishers recruited in 2019 in Spain. Fishers’ stress levels were moderate, witha mean stress index score of 36.4 units on a scale from 14 (very low stress) to 70 (very high).Their average emotional condition was positive, with a mean index of negative affect of 7.8units on a scale from 5 (very low negative affect) to 25 (very high). Seafood intake was low,with a mean index of seafood in diets of 38.0 units on a scale from 20 (very low seafoodconsumption) to 160 (very high). Fishers’ perceived quality of night sleep was good becausethe mean index of sleep problems was 39.5 units on a scale from 21 (very low sleepproblems) to 107 (very high). Each hour of self-reported monthly fishing activity was associated with 0.016 units of lower stress score. Thus, the most engaged fishers reported up to15.4% lower stress score than less avid fishers. Since recreational fishing is a highly accessibleoutdoor activity for people in older age groups, it is possible that public health could beimproved by access to sustainably managed recreational fisheries. Fishing engagement waspositively associated with seafood intake. Each hour of fishing per month was associated withone-unit higher seafood consumption. The higher seafood consumption observed amongavid recreational fishers compared with less avid fishers might have health implications.
关键词:Outdoor activities;stress;recreational fisheries;blueand green spaces;publichealth