摘要:The paper, ‘A relational turn for sustainability science? Relational thinking, leverage pointsand transformations’ presents a compelling summary of the incipient relational turn insustainability science. That piece and the reply and response that follow put forth importantarguments about what relational thinking is and how it can infuse sustainability scienceresearch. We are grateful for this conversation, but also recognize that crucial intellectualcontributions from the Global South require further treatment. In response to West et al’.sinvitation to conversation, we offer a summary of a diverse body of scholarship and practicethat informs sustainability science in subtle but clear ways: Latin American contributions. Wefirst summarize a set of Latin American theoretical contributions to relational thinkingrelevant to sustainability science. We then offer examples of how relational thinking infuseseveryday life in many Latin American contexts. We close with reflections on the importance ofLatin American thinking for sustainability science and transformations toward sustainability.
关键词:Latin American relationalontology;human-natureconnection;relational valuesin Andes;social-ecologicalsystems;transdisciplinary;paradigm shift;good living;good co-existence