Since a self- and free-based information retrieval service with CD-ROM MEDLINE databases were made available in Jikei's Library Service at the Nishi-Shinbashi Campus, we have been receiving a large enough response to add more CD-ROM MEDLINE disks and machines, and moreover receiving many requests to use these databases by physicians at Jikei's branch hospitals far from the campus. To satisfy these needs and requests, we have recently installed the MultiPlatter Network System designed by SilverPlatter Inc., Boston, into our existing LAN (Local Area Network). The MultiPlatter System allows multiple users to access the CD-ROM MEDLINE disk simultaneously, not only by means of computer terminals in our own LAN but by using the system's Dial-In function with users' own personal computers at remote sites via telephone lines. This report describes the planning and installation processes, especially from the stand point of technical problems and their solutions.