摘要:This article reports the result of the questionnaire survey conducted to 258 biomedical researchers and clinicians, which asked three questionnaires about the quality and character of abstracts published as a conference material or in specialty journal pages. The first questionnaire is “How do you think about a reference citation of meeting abstracts in the article?” Twenty-five percent of the respondents show that they believe meeting abstracts can be cited in the articles. Twenty-eight percent, they can do it if the abstract author has not published its full-length article. Forty percent, meeting abstracts should not be cited in a full-length article in any cases. The second questionnaire is “Do you think that paper presenter at a scientific meeting should write a full-length articles with the same theme?” Seventy-two percent of respondents think that presenter should write the full-length article after the meeting. Twenty-three percent, do not think so. The third questionnaire is “How do you think about the content of full-length article is different from the paper presentation of the same theme at the meeting already held?” Sixteen percent of respondents believe that the content of presentation at a meeting must not be changed when it is published as a full-length article. Seventy-two percent, think that small changes are within allowance. Only seven percent, think that there is difference between the paper oral presentation at a meeting and its full-length article written after the meeting as a natural consequence. Many biomedical researchers and clinicians have understood the different role of various meetings, e. g. national, local, and special theme meetings. In other words, they use meeting abstracts at the variety of situations of biomedical meetings.