The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between body fat measured by DXA and subcutaneous adipose tissue layers (SAT-layers) measured by LIPOMETER in adult males (n=28) and females (n=53). Body height and mass were measured and BMI was calculated (kg/m2). Measurements of the thicknesses of SAT-layers by LIPOMETER were performed at 15 original body sites. Body composition was measured using DXA. Total body fat % measured by DXA was highly dependent on the SAT-layers in the upper back and inner thigh in males (87.1%, R2×100) and the lateral chest, biceps, and calf in females (78.5%, R2×100). There were gender differences in trunk fat mass and right hand and leg fat mass calculation using specific SAT-layers. In conclusion, our results indicate that there are close relationships between SAT-layers and body fat measured by DXA. However, there are big differences between genders.