The purposes of this study were to develop the Social Skills Scales at home (SSS-H) and the Social Skills Scales in school (SSS-S) for elementary school children, and to examine the effects of mother's attitude for child rearing on the development of children's social skills and sociometric status in the classroom. As results of factor analyses from data of 524 children from 4th to 6th grades, three factors were extracted for SSS-H: behavior to maintain relations, behavior to develop relations, and assertive behavior. SSS-S was composed of three factors: behavior to maintain relations, behavior to develop relations, and behavior to participate in relations. Five hundred sixteen children completed SSS-H, SSS-S, Tests for Relationship between Parents and Children, and the Sociometric Test. Results of path analysis suggested that mother's attitude for child rearing influenced the children's social skills at home, social skills at home influenced for social skills in school, and that social skills in school influenced for Sociometric Status. Importance of these results were discussed in theoretical frame-work of social skills training.