This paper offers a database of facial images of Japanese, available for various kinds of studies on face and facial expressions. The Facial Information Norm Database (FIND) currently includes more than 13,000 images of 150 Japanese neutral faces, seven prototypical facial expressions of emotion (happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, anger, disgust, and contempt), and facial behaviors of single Action Unit (AU) and AU combinations based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS; Ekman et al., 2002). FIND also contains information on each image such as a demographics, facial structural (shape) information by fitting a facial wireframe model onto the image, cognitive judgment data, and psychophysiological data obtained in judgment studies. We call the images and all other information mentioned above “facial information.” This paper describes the FIND and efforts to establishing the environment of capturing the pictures, procedures for obtaining the pictures, an interface for database access, and the issue of personal information protection of the participants appearing in the images.