According to the recently published “Guidebook of Measuring Method for Environmental Atmosphere” edited by the Department of Safety and Health Labour Administration of Japan, it is recommended to determine acrylamide (AAM) in air by sampling with glass fiber filter, extracting into methanol and injecting in the FID gaschromatograph (GC). Although acrylamide particle may be measured by this method, it is questionable whether a small amount of gaseous acrylamide could be determined together. We have investigated the determination of a small amount of acrylamide monomer in air by sampling it on solid adsorbent packed in a specially designed sampling tube. We concluded that it is capable to determine a small amount of acrylamide in air, by using the above mentioned sampling tube packed with Flusin-F (treated with phosphoric acid ; 30-60 mesh) as the solid adsorbent, at the concentration range from 1.0 to 0.01 ppm (v/v), and the recovery rate of 82-83%.