摘要:As a way of utilizing bean-curd refuse (okara) from processed soybean foods, use in fire-extinguishing agent was investigated. In the case of a frying-oil fire, the flames could be extinguished within a few seconds by throwing into the pan a handful of okara impregnated with an appropriate volume of water. The best ratio of okara to water was 1:2 by weight. It was also very effective in kerosene fires, which were put out within two minutes. This fire-extinguishing agent has various advantages, such as safety, easy operation, easy after-cleaning and low cost. Okara impregnated with water goes bad easily, but if a suitable preventive agent such as boric acid or potassium sorbate is added, it can be stored for more than six months in an electric refrigerator. Okara impregnated with boric acid has the characteristic of excellent ignition resistance.