Spectral distribution of oscillation of a ship has a strong peak at its frequency of resonance. Then, index numbers of irregularity are as follows : (I) By Cartwright & Longuet-Higgins (Theory of maxima) ε( n )2=1-ψ0(2 n +2)2/ψ0(2 n )ψ0(2 n +4) where, (-1) nψ (2n) means r. m. s. of oscillation, and for amplitude n =0, for velocity n =1, and for acceleration n =2. Usually ε2>ε′2>ε″2 so regularity increases toward higher time derivative. For narrow-banded spectrum ε2_??_ε′2_??_ε″2=0, but when it is widely distributed, ε2_??_2/3, ε′2_??_2/5, ε″ 2_??_2/7. (II) By Rice (Theory of envelope) α (n) = Ppn √ (-1) nψ0 *(2n) where p =2π fm is circular frequency of resonance and P is amplitude of resonance. (-1) nψ0 *(2n) causes slowly varying amplitude of oscillation and generally forms Gauss distribution above f =0. So that. ( a ″/ a ′) 2=1/3 ( a ′/ a ) 2· These results are summarized by the author's index number n ″ - n ′= n ′- n =1.