The majority of citizens paying proper attention to urban policy mix have now started to harbor a notion that urban policies in the past several decades may not be valued as “a big success”, because of unfortunate and ugly failures reported “to be caused” by the policy actions of the government. These failures have caused the government to “re-organize urban policy mix”, and begin various policy programs named “re-modeling”. When any private actor prepares and implements a new action plan, the most vital input, the human resources necessary to implement the plan, must never be ignored. The regeneration of urban projects implemented by the incumbent cabinet fails to offer an appropriate set of actions to empower both the private and public sectors for creative risk takers equipped with advanced knowledge and technology of risk communication. In order to make the best use of the new strategies, every stakeholder must be able to produce the best set of action plans suited for the strategy, and thus creative capacity for planning stakeholder management must be empowered and up-graded. JEL Classification: R11, R58