In this paper I studied about the various topics of the housing development “Otaru Boyo Park Town”, located at the south-east area of Otaru city, after more than thirty years from its completion. Among the various investigations done at the starting of the planning, I focused on, 1) “Sapporo district, as the nucleus management function” theory, described in the Hokkaido comprehensive development plan. (The outcome of the sharing of the residential function to Otaru city, from the mother city Sapporo, described in the Sapporo city comprehensive development plan.) 2) The outcome of plane merging of the existing urban district of Otaru city and the new town. The points concerning 1) is that there were no adjustments among the local governments, concerning the drawing up and evaluation of the comprehensive program. And the points concerning 2) is the lack of the development of transportation network connecting the neighboring districts. And for the solution of the points mentioned above, I have suggested the necessity of a system, that secures the participation of the local residents (“User Democracy”) in the stages of planning, execution and evaluation of the development. (Clear definition of right and obligation of the residents is needed.) JEL Classification: O18, O22, O5, Q51, R11, R31