Representation of color of a garment and the correlation between the color and illuminations are discussed in this paper. For this study, skirts of four designs were made of four polyester fabrics of different colors. Three kinds of fluorescent lamps were used. A high-speed tele-spectral color analyzer was used for the measurement of spectral reflectance at 45-55 selected points on the surface of each skirt. The results are as follows : 1) The difference between the highest reflectance and the lowest one on spectral reflectance curves for a skirt relates to the design. The difference was the largest in the case of flare skirts. 2) Distribution of color of a garment in wear can be estimated from the ordinary color measurment of the cloth. 3) According to the principal component analysis, spectral reflectance was found to consist of three elements. The nature of a color or its complementary color is characterized by the second factor curve. 4) The spectral reflectance curve of color of a garment under a fluorescent lamp is resulted from the combined effect of the color of the cloth with spectral energy distribution of the lamp.