In this study, we calculated the lifelong incomes as seen from employment forms of wives. The lifelong income consists of salary, retirement allowance and old-age pension. In distinction of academic background, employment forms of wives were classified into four patterns, which were housewife, part-timer, re-employed full-timer and full-timer. The results were as follows : 1) In the case of a husband whose wife was a full-timer, his lifelong income decreased from 4 to 5 % with the spouse allowance and other benefits lost. 2) In terms of the economic effect of wive's employment forms, re-employed full-timers showed the highest effect to lifelong incomes. It was also found that the economic effect of the same employment forms of wives depended on the wage differences brought about by the levels of academic background. 3) In studying the lifelong incomes of respective households, we found that wives who worked full-time contributed no more than 55 % increase to the total household incomes even in households where both husbands and wives were college graduates. This is due to the difference of wage, i.e., less wage paid to the feminine gender.