Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine which zoonoses should the general population be more aware of. Methods: We conducted qualitative research (Delphi method) on thirty veterinarians who were selected from the whole country. Results: Twenty-four diseases were selected. The reasons for their selection were classified into three categories: “Amount of knowledge, attitude and behavior”, “Clinicoepidemiologic characteristics” and “Social characteristics”. More than half of the top ten zoonoses are those that are not transmitted from humans to humans, with rabies in the first place, avian influenza (with its high pathogenicity) in the second place and psittacosis in the third place. Conclusions: From the top ten diseases, it is considered that the prevention of animal-to-human transmission should be emphasized. In addition, from the reasons for the selection, it is suggested that it is necessary to review social characteristics, such as the inadequacy of quarantine and the insufficiencies of legal systems. As for the zoonoses that are transmitted from humans to humans, it will be indispensable in the future to widely spread information on zoonoses and enlighten the general population about them. It is thought that this survey can be a basis for selecting a zoonosis that should be given priority in enlightening the general population.