It has been presented in previous papers that the adhesive power between amorphous sulfur and the powder is changed by photopolymerization of cyclo-octa sulfur. In addition, the photopolymerization reaction was spectrally sensitized with Michler's thioketone (4, 4'-tetramethyldiamino thiobenzophenone). Based on the above facts, new photo-imaging systems using amorphous sulfur layer are designed. System A) Image exposure on the sulfur layer → washed off the unexposed sulfur by a organic solvent → development by powder → fixing by heat System B) Image exposure on the sulfur layer → contacting the sulfur layer onto the transfer sheet and heating for transfer of the unexposed sulfur → powder development for both sheets → fixing by heat System C) Image exposure on the sulfur layer → powder development → fixing by heat System D) Image exposure → dipping into toluene solution of sulfur to aggregate the sulfur from the solution onto the unexposed area (formation of light scattering image)→ powder development → fixing by heat In this paper, details of these imaging systems and the behavior of powder development will be described.