The authors proposed in their previous paper that 10 mm deep notch van der Veen test was suitable for evaluating notch toughness of shipplate subjected to line heating process. It was of primary importance that the toughness evaluation should be made under the condition of full plate thickness. In the present paper they demonstrate re-confirmation of their previous conclusion through further experiments. Main studies are made on 50 kg/mm2 class hull structural plate steel subjected to weaving line heating with one, three and five cycles; however, a sample plate of quenched-and-tempered 80 kg/mm2 class high strength steel is also studied for reference. Some complication in heating condition as compared with the previous study provides different features in local embrittlement, but the increase in transition temperature determined by 10 mm notch van der Veen specimen with full plate thickness is held within the bounds of 10°C or less. This is similar situation as shown in the previous paper.