Effect various amino acids on the formation of 2, 3-dihydro-3, 5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4 ( H )-pyran-4-one (DDMP) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) have been investigated using a model system of cookie baking. A mixture of fructose and each amino acid was heated at 150°C for 10min in a test tube. Each reaction mixture was extracted with 1ml of water, and the extracts were analyzed by HPLC. DDMP was the major product in this reaction. The position of amino group affected on the formation of DDMP, and the amount of DDMP from fructose and β-amino acids was much more than that from fructose and other amino acids such as α- and γ-amino acids. The carbon chain length of α-amino acids also affected on the formation of DDMP, and DDMP was generated most remarkably in the reaction between fructose and α-alanine. When the carbon chain length was longer than that of α-alanine, DDMP formation decreased gradually. N -substituted arginine and lysine formed a large quantity of DDMP in the reaction with fructose than their N -unsubstituted amino acids. Basic amino acids reacted strongly and quickly with the sugar, and arginine also generated DDMP in the earlier stage of the reaction with fructose than β-alanine.