出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this article we study the 131-entries vocabulary contained in the Sephardic text El Catecismo Menor, translated from English and published (Constantinople, 1854) by the Scottish Protestant mission led by Alexander Thomson. In it, along with the clarification of doctrinal concepts, we find several cases where the explanation given in Judeo-Spanish could correspond to any dictionary definition of the use at the time.
关键词:Judeo-Spanish;Sephardic Literature;Protestant Catechisms;Dictionaries;Lexicography;Missioners;Alexander Thomson;Free Church of Scotland;Ottoman Empire;Judeoespañol;literatura sefardí;catecismos protestantes;diccionarios;lexicografía;misioneros;Alexander Thomson;Free Church of Scotland;Imperio otomano