出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This paper studies pairs of Spanish kings during the Second Punic War, and also other pairs or groups of kings that existed in Early Medieval Spanish Christian kingdoms. Comparative data suggest the existence of the institution of the «associated king». I discuss the possibilities of a genetic explication by the Celtic or Germanic heritage, and, secondly, I propose an alternative typological explication, our kings are war leaders. Both explications are not self-contradictory, and as appendix we survey evidences of a pan Celtic institution, that of «associated king» – it was not only Celtic and it doesn’t explain every Spanish fact under examination.
关键词:Kingship;Indo-Europeans;Celts;Spain;protohistory;High Middle Age;Realeza;indoeuropeos;celtas;Hispania;protohistoria;Alta Edad Media