摘要:Land has an important meaning for society, both in terms of economic, social. Each person will tryto meet the need for land, each person will be trying to acquire the land as much as possible. One effortthat is often made is to lease the land.Lease is a form of reciprocal agreement, lease agreement should not be loose rather than legalprovisions applicable in Indonesia, namely the draft Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the CodeCivil). Regarding the legitimacy of agreements governed by Article 1320 of the Civil Code, among others:the agreement of the parties, the skill of the parties who made it, a certain object and a lawful reason.Lease agreement will give rise to the rights and obligations of the parties who made it. Agreements madelegally valid as the law for those who make it, it is stipulated in Article 1338 of the Civil Code.This thesis uses empirical legal research methods to approach legislation, which was associatedwith the approach of the case and facts approach. Regulatory approach is done by reviewing andanalyzing legislation relating to the regulation of land namely Law No. 5 of 1960 Concerning BasicPrinciples of Agricultural and Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on registration of land, and a case approach is used to assess how the lease agreement with the object of ownership in the form of finelymade in a notarial deed, as well as the fact approach to the fact that occur in the field of the ground leasewith the object of ownership in the form of finely.The results showed that it is legitimate rental agreement with the finely object. When referring toone of the principles is the principle of konsensualisme agreement, in which agreement has been born if ithas the agreement of the parties. So also with the object of the agreement is not something that isprohibited by the Act. As for the possible problems arising from the agreement is to be done with the effortboth preventive and repressive laws of the realm of civil and criminal law